Remember in our teenage years when our parents were a drag? Spoiling our fun. Suffocating our freedom. And often putting a damper on our dreams of uninhibited youthful adventure with friends.

In our 20s, our parents were our Plan B. Like when we hadn’t done our groceries and needed a home cooked meal. Maybe we needed help moving house for the 10th time. Or when our Friday night plans went to poop and visiting our folks was exactly what we needed to feel loved again. We had a taste of adulting — taxes, the odd speeding ticket, and rejection of the professional and personal kind. The independence was exhilarating — perhaps because we hadn’t yet known how terrifying it could also be. 

When we became parents ourselves, we had a newfound and deep appreciation for how incredible our parents were all along. We suddenly saw them in a new light — previously overshadowed by our desire to break free and discover who we were without them. As it turns out, it was a complete fallacy that our parents knew nothing, and we knew everything. 

Having children unveils the bittersweetness of life. With the incredible joy of watching our children grow, we are confronted by the inevitability of our own mortality. 

In our 40s, for those of us fortunate enough, we are humbled as we witness our parents grow older. We no longer take for granted the comfort and certainty of our safe haven. We linger a little longer when we visit.

Then one day, amongst the lively banter over a family meal, we glimpse over at their smiling faces and we feel an unexpected twinge in our heart. It’s as if for the first time, we see how much older they are now. How did we not notice?

We suddenly become aware that we have been consumed by our chaotic day-to-day routine that we barely even looked our loved ones in the eyes.

The antidote is to live with the end in mind.

At first, this may seem somewhat pessimistic. However, when you live with the end in mind, you focus on being more present. You savour every day moments. You say “I love you” more often. And you leave no words unsaid.

You see, although my 6-year-old self was heartbroken when my father skipped town after he dropped me off at school, I also learned that our time with loved ones is never guaranteed and that it is not to be taken for granted.

As I write, I am sitting in the discomfort of uncertainty. My mum has medical tests next week, and my overthinking mind is constructing worst case scenarios at an impressive rate.

I am afraid. Uncertainty is scary.

But I take small comfort in the certainty that we know how much we love each other. 

At the end of the day, that’s all that matters.



Imagine you’re on a boat adrift on the ocean, taken out to sea by the current. You have no control over your speed or direction. Then you drop anchor. Even though the current keeps the water moving around you, you’re now grounded. You’re now connected and in control of your position.

When life gets busy, you’re like the boat — taken by the current of tasks, projects, people and commitments.

By integrating gentle anchoring practices into your daily routine, you can ground yourself instead of feeling like you’re adrift, pulled by the current.

Inside this post you’ll learn:
» What happens in your brain when you feel overwhelmed
» 5 simple anchoring practices to try
» The benefits of anchoring practices

Your rational brain goes offline when you’re overwhelmed

Have you ever felt like your head was spinning when life is super busy and you’re overwhelmed by everything you need to get done?

That spinning sensation is a symptom of your brain sending out a call for help.

Your rational brain (pre frontal cortex) has gone offline because it’s
overworked, leading to mental exhaustion and overwhelm.
Your mind is craving silence and stillness.


Your emotional brain (limbic brain) is now in the driver’s seat
and interprets the overwhelm and stress as “a threat”,
triggering your body’s fight/flight response.

When you’re in fight/flight mode, your emotional responses are amplified — you may feel resentful and unappreciated. You’re more snappish and less patient, and processing information or decision making becomes harder.

Physically, your heart beats faster, and your breathing more shallow. The all too familiar anxiety symptoms. 

How anchoring practices bring your rational brain back online

Simple anchoring practices will bring your rational brain back online, by letting your emotional brain know you’re safe.

You come out of flight/fight and back into rest/digest mode, where you’re calmer, have more clarity of mind, and more at ease (and less grumpy!).

Anchoring practices include small but mighty moments of silence, stillness and deep intentional breaths integrated into your daily routine.

5 simple anchoring practices you can do today

1. Eyes to the Sky
Whenever you’re outdoors, take a minute to look up at the sky. Whether you’re going for a walk, having a cuppa on your back deck, checking your letterbox, or hanging out the washing. 

Let being outdoors be your prompt to look up and breathe deeply. Soon it’ll become second nature. Again, allow yourself to feel gratitude for life, and being safe in that moment.  

2. Stretch and Breathe
Before climbing into bed, do a few stretches (arms, shoulders, neck and hamstring are great before bed!) taking deep intentional breaths in and out. Embrace the freedom of listening to what your body needs in that moment. 

For ideas on beneficial stretches to do before bed, do an internet search and find something you enjoy.

3. Self Massage
Place your hands on either side of the back of your neck, and gently massage in a circular motion, or side to side. You can work down towards your upper trapezius muscles (upper shoulders). 

Breathe deeply and bring your focus to the sensation of tension dissolving as you massage. You can do this after brushing your teeth, as part of your stretches before bed, or whenever you’ve got a few minutes ie. waiting for the kettle to boil. 

4. Shoulder Relax
When your head hits the pillow, take a minute to breathe in, and as you exhale deeply, relax your shoulders (those upper trapezius muscles again!). You’d be surprised how often we hold our shoulders up. Repeat these a few times as you drift off to sleep.

5. Bathroom Breathing
For most of us, bathroom time is when we have a minute to ourselves — teeth brushing, showering, skincare routine etc. No matter how rushed you might feel, give yourself a few intentional minutes of silence and stillness. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale through your nose. Allow the feeling of gratitude for a moment to simply breathe deeply, and be fully present with yourself.   

Benefits of Anchoring Practices

These simple practices gives your mind breathing space, allowing it to recharge and reset. You can do them whenever you feel yourself spiralling into overwhelm, or better still, as part of your daily routine.

Benefits include: 

» Allows your rational brain to recharge and come back online
» Pulls you out of fight or flight, and back into rest and digest
» Brings you back to the present moment
» Awareness of how you feel within your mind and your body
» Intentional moments of gratitude
» A chance to practice simple self care

The more we create moments of silence, stillness and space to breathe with intention, the more we can operate from our rational brain, where we are calm, focused and in flow.

The anchoring practices I’ve shared will quieten the symptoms of overwhelm. But if you’d like explore how your habits, behaviours or subconscious thoughts may be contributing to the overwhelm, I provide a safe space for you to get curious and learn more about yourself in a 1:1 session.




It was new year’s day 2017, and after our big breakfast with our little family, my husband and I got talking about our hopes and dreams for the year. This was THE conversation that inspired me to turn my love for brush lettering into custom art prints.

Within days I’d set up a new Instagram account to share my work. What I hadn’t expected was the anxiety that became my daily companion. I felt inadequate and insecure about myself and my artwork, and spent more time comparing myself to others, than I did creating!

I soon realised I wasn’t alone in feeling this way. As I got to know other creatives and business owners who were sharing their work on social media, I was saddened to hear the same feelings of comparison and inadequacy were shared by many.

All I wanted to do help these women believe in themselves again. I wanted to encourage them to remember their purpose and stay focused on their goals. And I wanted to instil the importance of really loving and caring for themselves — in mind, body and spirit.

At the time, the only way I knew how to help was by sharing brush lettered words with the hope of providing some comfort and inspiration. I believe the written word has a way of speaking to our hearts and shifting our perspective when we need it most.

The truth is, I lettered those words for myself, as much as for others.

But an inspirational quote on Instagram only lasts as long as it takes to scroll to the next post. And you can’t delve into the deeper issues over a few DM’s.

I knew within myself I wanted to support individuals more and help them create deeper lasting change within themselves.

Ultimately, it was through understanding the common threads woven through my life experiences, getting clear on my values, and honouring my natural desire to help others, that becoming a certified Holistic Life Coach and Mind Body Practitioner made sense. (read my story here)

Navigating the path to finding my deeper purpose was an eye opening, rewarding and at times emotional experience. I’m grateful to now help others do the same.

My brush lettering allowed me to share inspirational quotes and posts, but it’s through 1:1 Life Coaching I now help others reconnect with themselves, gently reignite their self belief, and encourage small actionable steps towards pursuing their dreams, both big and small, that are truest to them.

If you’re curious about working together, I invite you send me any questions you have, or book your free 20 minute discovery call via the contact page here. Or read more about how we can work together here.



I use my planner in a somewhat unconventional way.

Instead of recording my task list (ie. a to-do list), I update it at the end of the day with my “done” list. It’s actually very satisfying doing it this way.

For my working task list, I’ve been using my A4 weekly planner. On Sunday nights, I sit down to prioritise tasks for the week and add to as needed daily.

Of course birthdays, appointments, events and reminders all go in my planner as well.

It must be the life documenter in me because I love having a dated record of the year in one handy journal.

Where are all my fellow planner lovers? What are you using this year? Mine is from @migoals.




I’ve not chosen a word for the year, so this feisty little question is my 2021 sidekick.

Do you put off doing things because:

  • You think you don’t know enough.
  • You think you need more experience.
  • You don’t feel confident.
  • You think you need to find more clarity.

So my challenge to you (and myself!) is next time you have one of these thoughts, try asking yourself, what are you REALLY waiting for?

Then decide on your next step, no matter how small it seems.

Questions to ask yourself to help move you towards achieving your dreams:
  • where or how can you learn what you need?
  • how can you get more experience?
  • how can you give yourself a little confidence boost?
  • what can you try next to gain a little more clarity?

As an expert procrastinator, I can confirm you can’t “think” yourself into confidence and clarity. It comes from DOING.

If you needed a nudge, here’s your nudge. So, what are you waiting for my lovely? Go DO.




Letting go can be exciting because it allows you to breathe again.

It lets you invite into your life what you’ve not had the time, energy or mental/emotional capacity for.

Do any of these sound familiar?

1. personal/professional relationships that gives you anxiety by day, and insomnia by night

2. physical clutter that fills you with dread each time you walk past it

3. to-do list items you keep pushing to the next day/week/month/year (me!)

4. a growing list of podcasts/online courses/books you must listen/watch/read (also kinda me..)

5. the expectation you put on yourself to do it all, but have no idea how

6. you keep doing something that’s making you unhappy because you don’t want to let others down

Feeling overwhelmed or anxious is a clue something needs to change.

It’s a sign you need to make a decision.

Maybe you need to let go of something/someone/limiting thoughts or beliefs.

For me, I’m practicing letting go of needing to have everything figured out before taking my next step. This one isn’t easy for me.

So, I’d love to know what you’ve recently let go of? What do you need to set free?