This is me
When I started this account in January, I was constantly comparing my work AND myself with what I saw in other feeds.
All the photos of the gourmet cafe breakfasts, the beautiful home interiors, unboxing of the latest fashion and make up, the amazing holiday destinations…! My every day just isn’t like that.
My reality is morning school drop offs in my pyjamas and being squished between my two boys on the couch with popcorn, watching a movie is my happy place. I love a good decluttering session and the smell of sun dried bedlinen.
I’m totally winning if I can get the kids to school on time, AND fit in yoga before work, all in the same morning. This is me. My real life, and I actually really love it.
It’s taken me a while, but with my husband’s unwavering belief in me (..and some gorgeous friends!), I have slowly learned to be kinder and more accepting of myself, and my work.
Do you have someone who’s always in you corner cheering you on no matter what?