Motherhood is deeply bittersweet
“Aw..came home after drop off to find Teddy in our bed. My littlest man must have left him here after climbing in for cuddles this morning.
Remembering firsts is easy. Soak up all the subsequents so that when the last comes along, you can look back content that you’ve enjoyed every moment.” (originally posted 17 June, 2016)
I still live by savouring everyday moments.
The past few weeks have been full of those heart tugging mama feelings. With senior subject selections for my eldest. And my youngest growing taller overnight. The speed at which the years roll by hits me hard, time and time again.
There’s so many little things I notice I miss. In the moments they happened, I know I savoured them. But I still miss them.
The childhood innocence fades. I remember my littlest man pulling back his covers after we’d tucked him into bed, and with the sweetest smile, he’d ask me to lie with him. He’d snuggle up close to fall asleep. I miss that.
He used to love me SO much — and tell me a million times a day. “I love you so so soooo much Mama”. I know he still does…but I feel it changing. As I type this, my eyes are welling with tears.
Motherhood is deeply bitter sweet.
I am so proud of the incredible humans they are becoming. But I miss their littleness, and my heart actually hurts a bit.
Mamas, can you relate?